PIKSEL17 festival for elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi

BioSIGNAL Sensing Workshop

14:00 @ Piksel Studio 207

Cristian Delgado

Using small components and microcontrolers we are going to make biosignal sensors, to record pulse, muscle and cardiac activity and interfacing it to instruments and visualizations, at the end we will present the proyect as a art colective expo


Cristian Delgado
http://www.cristiandelgado.netNeoangel Studio Bioscenica www.Bioscenica.mx Arte+Ciencia www.artemasciencia.com

Molecular Biologist specialized on synthethic biology, working on open sourced and DIY molecular biology, also worked with artists and scientist to bring projects on art and science mixed, actually i work with arte+ciencia an interdisciplinary group based at UNAM CU and which i made electronics.