17:00 @ SKUR14
Alexandra Cardenas, Camilla Vatne Barratt-Due
Alexandra Cardenas and Camilla Vatne Barratt-Due are working with acoustic sounds form old accordions and is this year back at Piksel to show a continuation of the instrument they performed with last year. This time they will present a performative installation for dismantled accordions played with valves and fans using an altered mechanical system. The piece will be installed running as an installation and played ones during the festival as part of the concert series.
Camilla Vatne Barratt-Due
Camilla Vatne Barratt-Due is a musician and composer playing the accordion. She creates music that reflects reeds of accordions and their individual character and how to play them together extracting the originality in timbre when sounding together. To control theses instruments she uses Super Collider and together with composer and live-coder Alexandra Cardenas they are continually searching for ways developing ideas for how to play them.
She graduated form he Royal Danish Academy in 2009 and completed her MA this year in Sound Studies form the University if the Arts in Berlin.
She has worked as a composer for choreographer’s dramaturges, video artists and is currently developing scores out of a fieldwork done by Peter Cusack and Martyna Poznanska that engages with the politics of the old Bialowieza forest in Poland.