PIKSEL17 festival for elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi


Mattis Kuhn

The video shows a sequence of screen-shots. These present different algorithms in the programming language processing to create an identical image: a black square on a neutral gray how it’s used in computer programs. The first algorithm consists of three lines of code and shows the easiest and most common way to do this. Furthermore several more complex, strange or abstruse algorithms, different programming techniques, built-in functions, points, lines, shapes are used to end up in the same image.
This work questions the significance of code in relation to its output, to the perceivable phenomenon. How to grasp their correlation? Which is the relevance of the manufacturing method when it is not shown in the product? What is the importance of the non-visible? Does the area of tension between visible algorithm as a program and non-visible algorithm inside the produced black square change the subjective view?

The video is available for streaming or downloading here: http://mattiskuhn.com/#sketch_150709b

(For some unknown reason the video playback does not work with VLC player, but with other software like ‘Videos’ it does.)


Mattis Kuhn

Born 1987 in Marburg, Germany, works in Frankfurt am Main and Cologne, Germany.

The conceptual works focus on the coexistence of humans and technology in a shared environment. Of particular interest is the relationship between theoretical algorithm and physical materiality.

Mattis Kuhn investigates theoretically and artistically for possibilities of the aesthetic reflection of algorithmic meshworks. Frequent forms are installations, sound, live operating technical objects / quasi-subjects.