PIKSEL17 festival for elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi

Virtual Plant – Mathematical DNA of the plant

Marek Sitko

Is the World mathematical or is mathematics only a way to describe the world?

Can mathematics describe the complex shapes of nature, such as plants?

Fractals are abstract mathematical objects that simulate the complexity similar in nature.

Fractals take complex forms from simple mathematical transformations.

The virtual plant can be created with a few simple functions with numerical factors which are creating the mathematical DNA of plant.

The equations describing the plant and its visualization have been programmed in the Processing software. The software is controlled from the console so visitors can manipulate the numerical DNA of the plant.


Marek Sitko
Academy of Art in Szczecin, Poland

Mark Sitko – born in 1959, engineer and artist. He specializes in new media, painting and sculpture. Currently he is working at the Academy of Art in Szczecin at the Department of Painting and New Media. He lives in Gorzow Wielkopolski, Poland.