Gabriela Munguía, Guadalupe Evelia Chavez
Rizosfera FM is a laboratory for experimentation and exploration of new and possible interspecies dialogues. This project consists of a sound installation that aims the appropriation and resignification of the mass media, as possible extensions and hybrid networks between humans and other species. This project is inspired by the infinite life forms that inhabit the rhizosphere and its transformations and relationships. By the integration of biological elements, remote communication, appropriation of technologies, sound, light, frequencies, rhythms, tunings and possible languages, is that this project imagines the hybridization of systems as a mechanism and process of co-creation between art, biology and technology. Rizosfera FM presents a poetic and sonorous understanding and interpretation on those microhabitats where infinite beings cohabit, interact, construct and express themselves as subtle voices that lie underground.
Gabriela Munguía
Colectivo Electrobiota
Master in Technology and Aesthetics of electronic arts, National University of Tres de Febrero.
Gabriela Munguía (México/Argentina, 1985)
She has an Art Degree and graduated from the Master of Technology and Aesthetics of Electronic Arts of the National University of Tres de Febrero with a scholarship from FONCA-CONICET. Her explorations and artistic production are focused on the fields of electronic arts, robotics, bioart and interspecies communication. She was selected for Interactivos 2012, EFT, Ar. Researcher at the Center for Experimentation and Research in Electronic Arts, UNTREF. She is professor at Maimonides University and at the Electronic Art Master’s Degree, UNTREF, where she also runs the 3D Printing Coordination. Is a member of Electrobiota Collective. Her artistic production has been exhibited in different festivals and exhibitions in Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Canada, Netherlands, Portugal and United States. She has received several recognitions and awards: Honor Mention in the 3rd Edition Biennial Kosice; Selection of the IX Monography Exhibition of Media Art at the International Image Festival; Selection of the International Competition of Electronic Arts and Video Festival Transitio MX_06; and 1st place in the 2nd Award for Electronic Arts of UNTREF. She has participated at the art residences as Summer Sessions, V2_Institute for the Unstable Media; Sala Taller IV, EAC Montevideo, Ur and RAM Mutuca, Brazil.
Guadalupe Evelia Chavez in Technology and Aesthetics of electronic arts, National University of Tres de Febrero.
Guadalupe Chávez (México/Argentina, 1985)
Fine Artist with orientation in photography and graduated of the Master in Technology and Aesthetics of the Electronic Arts of UNTREF. Her artistic practice transits the affective languages in the interspecies communication, drawing ties with the vegetal world from the concepts of cultural biology and deep ecology to the electronic arts. She has been coordinator of the Casa Floresta Environmental Education Center in Mexico, where she has researched and promoted study plans on creativity and sustainable living. She is member of the Electrobiota Collective, as well as Espacio Nixso technological production and experimentation laboratory and member of the transdisciplinary experimental platform for the dialogue between art – science and technology in the educational context Mala Praxis, UNTREF. Currently she is working in Fundación Telefónica. She received several mentions and recognitions such as: Honorable Mention in Photography, Cultural Forum Guanajuato; Cervantino Festival, Bicentennial Museum of Contemporary Art – Emilia Ortiz, Mexico; Project Archetypes, beneficiary of the Program of Incentives to the Creation and Artistic Development FECAN, Mexico; Mention at the 3rd Biennial Kosice Latin American; 1st place in the 2nd Award for Electronic Arts of UNTREF.
Colectivo Electrobiota
Colectivo Electrobiota was born in 2014 as a transdisciplinary group by the mexican multimedia artists Gabriela Munguía and Guadalupe Chávez based on Buenos Aires, Argentina. From multiple approaches and aesthetics of electronic arts, robotics, bioart, deep ecology, and DIY technologies, the collective explore and experiment new and possible interspecies dialogues. They have developed an educational program that include a series of workshops for children and adults with an emphasis on the crossing of art, DIY technologies and nature. The group has participated in various exhibitions and festivals and received different awards: Honored Mention at 3rd Biennial Kosice Latin American Edition, Borges Cultural Center, Ar; Electronic November Festival, San Martin Cultural Center, Ar; FASE: Poetic and political technologies, International meeting of art, science and technology, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Ar; “Horizons of Desire”, Museum of Mar del Plata, Ar; Finalist in the International Contest of Electronic Arts and Video of Festival Transitios MX_06, Mx; 1st Place in the Second Prize to the Electronic Arts of the UNTREF, Ar; Festival Transpiksel MX Art, science and free technologIES, Faculty of Art and Design of UNAM, Mx; Factors 4.0 Art, Science and Technology Festival of Santa Maria do Sul, Br; Art, time and Nature, International Bienal of Sudamerica, MUNTREF – Contemporary center for the biodiversity, Ar.